Due to impending weather for tomorrow the Cross Country meet has been reschedule for 10/21/22. The meet will still be at Bangor Christian School. The meet will start at 4pm.
Due to impending weather for tomorrow, boys and girls soccer games have been rescheduled for Wednesday 10/19/22. Boys game will be at Glenburn vs Bangor Christian at 3: 30pm. Girls soccer will travel to the Holbrook School for their playoff game against Holbrook, game will be at 3:00pm.
***Pushaw Road Closure Update For High School Students*** The Maine DOT indicates that damage to the Pushaw Road will continue to interrupt traffic for the rest of the week. This means that high school students living from the AA Landing Road to Broadway will not have bus transportation to or from school. In the AM (by 6:55) students may be dropped off at the Shriner Parking lot transfer site and in the PM (after 2:25) students may be picked up at the Dysarts (Broadway) rear parking lot transfer site. Please contact the Glenburn School Superintendent's Office at 942-4405 if your high school student is unable to attend school due to the road closure. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will send updates as they become available.
BUS #14:
Due to the damage on Pushaw Road, bus 14 may be late arriving at your house Monday morning. The bus will have to pick up one end of the road and then circle back to pick up the other end. If you have decided to transport your child on Monday, please let Cyr Bus know at 992-2224.
Thank you!
Soccer Playoff Games:
Boys soccer will play on Tuesday October 18, 2022 vs Bangor Christian School-Game will be here at The Glenburn School at 3:30pm.
Girls soccer will play on Tuesday October 18, 2022 @ Holbrook. Game will be at The Holbrook School at 3:30pm.
Girls soccer practice has been canceled for today 10/13/2022
Middle School Dance-6-8th Grades: October 28, 2022 6-9pm. Admission: $3.00
Costumes are allowed-no masks/props. All school and dress code rules apply.
Glenburn PTF Pie Fundraiser-Order forms have gone out, you should receive yours soon. Pie sales have started and will continue through 10/19. You may order on using paper order forms or online. The link is https://your.mcmfundraising.com/signup/FB7K
Mark your Calendars: Picture retake day will be November 15, 2022!!
Girls soccer practice has been canceled for this afternoon.
Student Council is sponsoring the annual Brady Nickerson Foundation Penny Drive.
Support our school when you shop at SchoolStore.com.
***Update to High School Busing***
Both high school bus routes will run this morning 9/28/2022. Have a good day.
***ALERT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS*** The same bus that did not pick up students yesterday will NOT pick up students again today. This bus makes runs on Pushaw, Hudson, and Lakeview. There will be no AM or PM bus due to driver shortage.
Families, we always want you to be able to contact any staff member here at Glenburn School. Besides calling the school at 947-8769 you can also email staff either through the website by clicking on the "send message" under a staff member's name or email them using this format:
their last name, first name initial, followed by @glenburnschool.us
Example: Contact Angela Pratt
Monday 9/26/22 will be the last day to put in an order for a Glenburn apparel.
Fall sports pictures will be on October 5, 2022 at 11:20am at the Glenburn School. Pictures will be done by Monty Rand again this year. Pictures can be ordered on his website: montyrand.com
Boys and girls soccer games have ben canceled for today 9/22/22. No reschedule date at this time. There will be no sports practices this afternoon.
Due to the change in venue for the school board meeting this evening, the meeting will be streamed via Youtube tonight. To watch the meeting, go to https://youtu.be/QgfcwM4Odug.