2-hour delay today. 3/7/25

RSU 26 is hosting an evening event "Smartphones, Social Media, Stress, and Anxiety: What we need to know and what we can DO!" on Thursday, March 13th at 6:00 in the Orono Performing Arts Center (on the back side of the Orono High School).

Open School Board Seats:
The Glenburn School Board has two seats open for election this June. Papers are available at the Glenburn Town Office for anyone interested in running for these openings.

Read Across America Week 3/3 - 3/7

Attention Glenburn Residents: Pre K and Kindergarten registration packets are available in the Glenburn School Office

Announcements: Monday, February 24, 2025

Please see our Newsletter attached to this message

No School Today - 2/13/2025

Good morning Glenburn School,
This message is to inform you that we did have EMS visit our school this morning to care for an ill staff member. There was no danger to students at any time. We appreciate everyone's flexibility as our drop off schedule was affected.

2/6/2025 - Due to a winter storm forecast to cause hazardous road conditions on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, February 6th the Glenburn School will have an early release day (noon time), no afternoon PreK, and , no after school activities tomorrow (2/6/25).

Good morning Glenburn, The Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Dances will be held on April 4th and 5th this year. Please see the attached invitation.

Attention Glenburn high school students, they will be no Bus run G today Bus run G covers the Lancaster Brook Rd., Outer Ohio St., Broadway and the Phillips Road. I'm sorry to report that there will be no Bus run G today for Glenburn resident high school students.

Two-Hour Delay today 2/3/2025. Stay safe!

Sports Pictures Access Code!!

Announcements: January 30, 2025

Valentine Dance

Good afternoon Glenburn! Please see the following notice from Nurse Springer:
Due to an increase in student absences related to sickness, we encourage you to view the CDC guidance page for information about when to stay home and when to return to school.
This informational website gives updated guidance and relevant examples to help further clarify what to do if you have an elevated temperature (fever) or other symptoms. Please visit:
This one page quick reference guide may also be useful in helping you decide:
We request that if your student is vomiting, has diarrhea, or requires fever reducing medication they remain home until they no longer require medication to reduce the fever or symptoms have resolved.
Feel free to reach out to Lorrie Springer, the school nurse, if you have any questions, need to report an extended illness, or need help.

Good morning Glenburn parents and community - We are noticing that some students are not coming prepared to go out at recess. We send students out to recess any time the Real feel temperature is above 10 degrees. We have a weather station at the school that you can access via our website. When it is below 40 degrees outside, we expect all students to have a jacket, their legs covered, and closed toe, outdoor shoes. If a student doesn't have that minimum they will be asked to sit in the office instead of going out. For our elementary students to be in the snow and off the tar, students are required to have a jacket, boots, snow pants, gloves or mittens, and a hat or hood. This is to keep them warm and dry for the rest of the day. If any families need help providing these items please reach out to our office or nurse, we would be happy to help.

Announcements: January 23, 2025

Announcements: January 22, 2025