Summer Library Program
Come and join Meghna Vijay tonight at the public library from 6:00pm -7:00pm for her book signing! There will be a few books available for purchase. Hope to see you there!
Watch our 8th Grade Promotion live!
Here is a link to our 2023-2024 school calendar so you can plan ahead for next school year!
If you want a yearbook, there is good news for you. Though we have sold all the copies we ordered, Josten’s will print an additional quantity of yearbooks for us. There is a small fee for printing extra books, plus shipping. If you would like a book, you must pre-pay $30 Tuesday, June 13 or Wednesday, June 14. We will need to have a minimum order of 10 books.
Please see Mr. Davis immediately if you are going to do this as it will take three to four weeks for the books to come. When the books come in, the main office will contact you, and you can pick your book up from them.
Important Dates/Times for next week:
Monday, June 12: Field Day-All Day
Monday, June 12: 8th Grade Promotion 6:00 pm
Wednesday, June 14: Step Up day 9:00-9:30 am
Wednesday, June 14: K Step Up day 9:00-10:00 am
Wednesday, June 14: Last Day of School: Dismissal 12:00 pm
Due to weather conditions: Field Day has been rescheduled!!! Field day will now be Monday June 12, 2023
PreK-2 Book Swap
WABI was here to see Meghna Vijay's presentation about her new book to her classmates. Don't forget about her book signing!
Realms has been published! Book by Glenburn student author, Meghna Vijay.
Book Signing: June 13, 2023, 6-7pm Glenburn School Library. Order yours from Amazon now!!
Monday 6/5/23: Due to field conditions, today's playoff softball game's location has changed. The softball game will now be played at Orrington instead of Glenburn. Game will still start at 3:30. Good luck to our Lady Chargers!!!
And more!
More pictures from the Staff vs Students game!
More pictures from the Staff vs Students game!
More pictures from the Staff vs Students game!
Pictures from the Staff vs Students Basketball Game, June 2nd. Staff won!
On June 7th, we will have a yearbook assembly for distribution of books. Those who purchased a yearbook will pick it up at this time. During this assembly, students can also purchase a yearbook for $25.
***Volunteers needed for Field Day***
Tomorrow, Friday, May 25, 2023 will be hat day. Pay $1.00 and wear a hat. Proceeds will go to the Brady Nickerson Foundation.
8th Grade Promotion will be held on Monday, June 12, 2023. Promotion ceremony will start at 6pm.